DF Company | Luxury production

The high quality production that we guarantee for the entire range of items is the flagship of our company, both in Italy and abroad; so much so that it has allowed us to collaborate for years with the major names of international prestige. They make use of our professionalism and rigor to create their collections. As usual, we follow all the modeling, cutting and packaging processes. We take care of any feathering or padding, laser or heat-taped and we follow the stages of printing, embroidery, washing, etc. wherever they are, all at our headquarters or with affiliated and certified companies.
In the case of foreign productions, they are only responsible for the packaging of the garment, but the management of the before, during and after is in the hands of qualified Italian personnel. Our qualified technicians will constantly check their work to ensure the highest quality in satisfying the customer’s requests. Moreover, customer could entrusted to us for the entire production or just a part of it.
Confidence is the basis of relationships with our company and not having our own brand guarantees them grater protection of their privacy.